This page oes over the most prevalent type of scams being pushed online at this moment. It does not cover traditional scams such as envelope stuffing, 419 Scams, Home Mailing Scams, eMail Processing Scams, Product Assembly Scams, etc. (However, I have put a list of common scams at the end of the post)
This list is prioritized by how likely the red flag is to indicate that you are dealing with a home business scam.
Avoid Completely If The Sales Page Includes Any Of The Following:
Red Flag #1) Promoted By Fake News Sites
Avoid EVERY home business product promoted by a fake news site. It doesn’t matter if the fake news site claims to be an advertisement or advertorial. You should avoid ANY type of product promoted by a fake news site. PERIOD!
Examples Of Fake News Site Headlines & The Fake People Used In Stories:
- Tanya Davis – “Work At Home Mom Makes $8,795/Month Part-Time”
- Mary Stevens – Example Claim: “I actually make a steady $7,000-$8,000 a month working from home online.”
- Melissa Johnson – Example Claim: “Can $47 Really Turn Into $6,795+ a Month? We Investigated… “
- Melissa Johnson – Example Claim: “EXPOSED: Mom Makes $6,868 Per Month By Typing On Her Keyboard!”
- Megan Jones – example claim: “Simple Work From Home Kit Ends Recession For Mom Struggling To Support Her Family, She’s making $5,795 a month now…”
- Kelly Richards – example claim: “I basically make $6000-$8000 a month online.”
- Emily Stewart – “”Finance: Denver Mom Makes $3487 a Month at Home””
Fake news sites promoting home business scams typically feature photo blurbs with a caption that says something like:
- “I actually make $4,500 – $7,000 a month working from home now and I’ve never been happier.”
- “I basically make $6,000-$8,000 a month online.”
- “Sarah Richards puts her computer to work and makes money while working from home. She says that Home Income System has helped change her financial life and recommends it to people as a good opportunity.”
- “Megan had never shared her story before, and with her permission, we are making it available to the public via this report.”
- “Kelly Richards makes $217 every day working part-time from home on her computer. Other members are earning as much as $567/day from home on their computer.”
- “Sarah Richards puts her computer to work and makes money while working from home. She says that Home Income System has helped change her financial life and recommends it to people as a good opportunity.”
- “Many sites showcase people making as much as $300 a day working online from home on their computer.”
- “We dive into the story about a mom who makes over $6,700 a month working from home using Platinum Online Revenue.”
- “Wendy RossWe investigate the Story about a Momwho Makes over$6,700/Month.”
- “Kelly Richards makes $217 every day working part time from home on her computer. Other members are earning as much as $500+ per day from their computer.”
Red Flag #2) Headlines Mentioning The Following Dollar Amounts:
- $379/Day (Examples below)
- “In The Next 60 Seconds – Gain Access To A Work-At-Home Job Paying As Much As $379/Day”
- “If You Can Spare 60 Minutes A Day, We Can Offer You A Certified, Proven And Guaranteed Home Job To Make $379/Day From Home!”
- “If You Can Spare 60 Minutes A Day, We Can Offer You A Certified, Proven Work From Home Opportunity To Make Up To $379 Per Day!”
- “Online Mom Makes $379/Day Working From Home Armed With A Computer”
- $87/day (Examples below)
- “In The Next 90 Seconds – Gain Access To A Work-At-Home Opportunity That Can Earn You Up To $87 An Hour”
- “In The Next 90 Seconds – Gain Access To A Work-At-Home Job That Can Earn You Up To $87 An Hour”
- “Within 5 minutes you could be making up to $87 an hour and work from the comfort of your own home!”
Red Flag #3) Use Of A Karl Goodard Story
Avoid ANY site that uses a Karl Goodard story about a “highly successful person”. They typically start like this:
“After 8 years as a super-successful and outrageously highly paid person”
You can also see examples in the video below:
Red Flags #4) Claims You Can Make Money Posting Links
These types of home business scams will typically use some sort of “table” to suggest that the more links you post, the more money you’ll make. They’ll also say something like:
“Let’s do the math: 15 links for $15 each equals $225. That’s $225 for 60 minutes of work! If you do this five days a week, you can make $1,125 a week… $4,500 a month… and $58,500 a year! And that’s just 1 hour a day, I do at least 3 hours per day Monday to Friday keeping the weekends to myself.”
Usually they’ll show some sort of ridiculous table like this:
Bogus income projection tables like this are frequently associated with scams – even older scams. For example, you may have seen claims such as:
- Earn $5.00 for each envelope you stuff for us!
- Make $25.00 For Every Email You Process!
- Earn $15.00 for each rebate you process!
- Earn $25.00 Per Order You process!
- Earn $15 for each link you post!
Red Flag #5) “Free” Consultations
While there may be times when Free consultations scams, within the home business and internet marketing arena, most of the free consultations are simply designed to separate you from as much money as possible. In fact, they are so dangerous that I suggest when you see phrases such as the following, you RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN:
- “Free Consultation” with a “wealth expert”
- “Free one-on-one consultation with a wealth development advisor”
- “Free one-on-one consultation with a personal advisor”
- “Free one-on-one consultation with a success advisor”
- “Free one-on-one phone consultation with a Search Engine Agent Advisor”
- “Free Consultation With A Search Engine Agent Success Adviso:”
- “FREE one-on-one consultation with a Startup Specialist”
- “Free 1 on 1 Training Consultation”
- “Free One-on-One Strategy Consultation”
- “Free Initial One-On-One Consultation With An Internet Wealth Expert”
Red Flag #6) Any Site That Claims To Be “Searching Your Area For Positions”, etc.
This is a dead giveaway that your dealing with a scam. Typically you’ll see something like one of the following (or both of them):
Red Flag #7) Uses A Phrase Like “#1 Home Job Consultant In America”
This is a hallmark of many different types of bizop scams, including many that the Federal Trade Commission Shut Down in 2009. There is NO such thing as the “#1 Home Job Consultant”, “#1 Work At Home Consultant”, etc.
Here are some examples of ones running now:
- “Special Report from Patty Joyner, the #1 home job consultant in America:”
- “Special Report from Diana Thompson, the #1 home job consultant in America:”
- “Special Report from Michelle Taylor, the #1 home job consultant in America:”
- “Special Report from Janet Rhodes, the #1 home job consultant in America”
- “Angela Penbrook, The#1 Work At Home Consultant In America”
Red Flag #8) Use Of Stock Photos For Testimonials
Sometimes you have to figure out if the site is using stock photos. Sometimes you’ll see a disclaimer (usually hidden at the bottom) that says something like: “The images displayed hereon are not the actual images of the attestants.”
Red Flag #9) Uses a Sales Letter That Uses One Or More Of The Following Phrases In Headings Or Subheadings
- The Chilling Day That Changed My Life
- I Began Thinking About What I DO Want In A Job
- I Found My Dream Work From Home Job
- These Work From Home Opportunities Are In HUGE Demand
- Companies Are Desperate For People Like You To Post These Links From Home
- Wealth Development Certification Program Which Enables You To Tap Into This Billion Dollar Industry At WILL
- Just Follow These Three Easy Steps To Make Money By Posting Links At Home
- You Can Begin Posting Links And Making Money Right Away
Older And Other Work At Home Scams
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, these red flags are for the one of the most dangerous types of online scams running today. Of course there are older scams that still go on every day. If you’re not familiar with them, here’s a list…
Note: while there are legitimate versions of some of the following, fraudulent versions of them are heavily promoted as scams:
- 900 Number Scams
- Auction Listing Agent Home Business Scams
- Advance Fee Fraud (Home Business Version)
- AutoSurf Scams
- Cash Gifting Scams
- CD Assembly Scams
- Chain Letter Scams
- Check Processing Scams
- Commodity Trading Scams
- Craft Assembly Scams
- Data Entry Scams
- Day Trading Scams
- EMail Processing Scams
- Envelope Stuffing Scams
- Forex Scams
- Forex Robot Scams
- Forex Signal Scams
- Home Business Seminar And Workshop Scams
- Home Mailing Scams
- Home Typing Scams
- Hud Refund Processing Scams
- Medical Billing Scams
- MLM – Network Marketing – Recruiting Scams
- Mortgage Refund Processing Scams
- Mystery Shopping Scams
- Options Trading Scams
- Paid Survey Scams
- Paid To Click Scams
- Payment Processing Scams (Money Mule Scam)
- Processing Medical Insurance Claims
- Ponzis
- Product Assembly Scams
- Pyramid Schemes
- Real Estate Flipping Scams
- Real Estate Investing Scams
- Rebate Processing Scams
- Reshipping Scams – Also Known As Package Forwarding
- Trading Robot Scams
- Travel Business Scams
- Turnkey Business Opportunity Scams
- Turnkey Online Business Scams
- Turnkey Website Scams
- Twitter Scams
- Vending Machine Scams
- Website Processing Specialist Home Business Scams
If You're Struggling to Make Money Online Click Here to Get Answers to All of Your Questions About Making Money Online.
hi i was recently scamed out of about 150.00 . two different work at home sites. as i read everything your saying on your web sites i still have to wonder. i ask myself if i can believe you. i honestly didnt know if i could believe you. at the end of one of your sites you give a list of older type scams and you have the same web site i just read. so, what do i believe now. i dont feel like you have made sense or made me know you are real. i dont know but, i kind of think your a scammer too. the video about the affiliate marketing, sounds like what they all are saying and its coming from you, some one who says he’s going to show people how to spot scams. it really sucks when i cant spot a scam. proof of what your claiming or which are good and bad sites would be what people need. PROOF!
The whole point of red flags is to help people make up their own mind. People have to start thinking for themselves. I wrote about that here:
Social Network Analysis, Trusted Hubs And Timelines. All “proof” can be fabricated – testimonials, income screenshots, checks, etc. It’s all worthless.
You clearly didn’t watch the video which tells you that you have to work hard, there’s no guarantees, and it takes time. Not exactly the same thing that you find in the scams I post about here.
My suggestion is that you STOP pursuing ANY kind of “home business opportunity” until you know for YOURSELF what’s real and what’s not. In the meantime, you can explore telecommuting work through the free list of sites here:
Work At Home Jobs. If you’re in the U.S. you might want to contact your local Score Office.
As to my expertise, here’s a list that can’t be faked:
Let’s also look at what qualifies ME to make the distinction between what’s a scam and what’s not:
– I DIRECTLY helped the FTC take down one of the top 100 spammers in the world – the case is at FTC Vs. In Deep Services. Call the Senior Litigator, Collot Guerard who worked on that case and ask about my help if you don’t believe me.
– I provided the Secret Service documentation – at their request – on a complex, cross-border fraud case. Since the company has been shut down now, I’ve put up some of the documentation for you to see Enties Chart For Jess Willms’ Companies. You can see the results of that case FTC Vs. Jesse Willms
– The SBA did a Power User Spotlight on me here: Power User Spotlight: From Computer Programmer to Home-Business Scam Expert”.
– I regularly provide documentation and speak daily to the Founder of Eagle Research Associate who works with several Assigned Federal Agents as well as several State AGs.
Here’s one of the cases I helped tons of people file complaints against – and get their money back from – never charging them anything:
FTC Vs. Google Money Tree. You can see the original post with 851 comments at:
Google Money Tree Complaints
That’s what qualifies ME to make these judgement about which programs are scams. What qualifies YOU to question my opinions? After all, you apparently must have missed the REAL red flags – or you’d have absolutely NO reason to be here… either that or you are a SHILL for Income Profit Masters…more likely one of the guys who works in their boiler room stealing money from people I hear horror stories from everyday about companies like yours.
Skipping The Scams…
I’m sure you know that I could make a small fortune promoting scams like Express Internet Academy if I wanted to – after all currently it’s paying it’s affiliates $95.00 per sale generated.
Guess why they pay their affiliates that much on a product that starts it’s pricing at $97.50 – then drops down $47.95 if you try to leave the page? Here’s why:
Because they know they can scam people out of the thousands of dollars on the back end.
You know how I know that? Because I’ve helped tons of people – without charging them a penny – try (not always successfully) to get their money back – and I’ve listened to the actual BOILER ROOM recordings of the scams going on.
Now on to the program on my Store Page…
First of all – the link takes you to a STORE page – where there is a 20 minute video – explaining everything that’s involved – that the program takes time – takes work – and clearly outlines the budget required. The entire program including incredible support via an incredible active community forum with paid moderators that check daily on unanswered questions + a support ticket system + phone callbacks…IF needed – costs a whopping ONE time $47.
So, why don’t you tell me about your expertise that allowed you to get scammed out of $150.00.
By the way I’ve helped thousands of people get their money back from scams without ever charging them. I’m sure you know how to try to get your money back, already, though.
Of course if you don’t know how to try to get your money back from the two sites that scammed you, if you want to name what they are here with a link to their sales page, I can give you some directions on how to proceed to get your money back.
I have contacted this company several times by email and by calling and no response. I purchased it at the end of Feb and requested my money back right away after getting into it. I realized everything they offered to make more $ cost more $. HELLO!!!! I am bought it because I need $, not to spend $. Please help me to get my $ back as my husband has been unemployed with no income since Nov. They took me for $124.00. Thank you, Tina Ballard
I’d suggest you follow the instructions here:
The thing that triggered my suspicions about AdvancingIncome were the four or five Blogs by “supposedly” different individuals around the US trumpeting the virtues of AI, and yet every blog was written with the same atrocious grammar, signalling an East Indian or Chinese translation program. And yet, the names of the purported bloggers were American standard names, people who should understand how to write in the English language.
Yeah, I was wondering myself. when I tried to open up the Free Training Program that’s being offered, it didn’t open up. This made me wonder, if the “how to identify scams guy” is a SCAM himself. HELP!
I assume you’re talking about the PDF document from Michael Brown? What program did you use to open the document? Typically, you’ll open it with Adobe Reader.
Also, did you take a look at the free resources here:
so i looked up work at home opportunities approved and members of the better business bureau! are they ligit home opportunities or not?
I’m a bit surprised to find somebody who doesn’t realize that the BBB is a huge extortion racket after all the news that’s been out about it. Here are some resources for you:
BBB – The Best Ratings Money Can Buy
It’s been going on for years. Here’s a warning put out in 2001. has good documentation about the problem.
The only thing the BBB is useful for is looking at the complaint history and types of complaints people are making.
Hi there, I just made a huge mistake!. I gave them my credit card details to start with this program and then the page could not go through what can I now do so that there does not go any payments through?
You’ll need to contact your credit card company and explain the situation. You might have to speak to the fraud department to see if they can flag the payment. You can also dispute the payment after the fact (dispute procedures are usually on the back of your billing statement).
My biggest concern would be if you got hit by one of the identity theft rings that have been setting up “work at home” sites to steal credit card information. There’s no way for me to know that without seeing the actual site. If you aren’t 100% sure what site it was and can’t show me, then your safest route is going to be to cancel your credit card and have a new one reissued.
Hi Paul,
I would like to say we need more people like you, I’m so glad I came across your website. As I was reading the comments I made the similar mistake by giving out my Credit Card Information. I notice after I purchased this program that cost me 67 or something dollars the videos wouldnt play out.I didn’t get a good feeling of it. So, I call the next morning I told them I wanted to cancel the porgram and I need them to give me my money back.They said they will refund me my money the guy didnt sound very pleased. Later that afternoon I receive a phone call name Jed Hanson 1-801-406-9051 explain to me how I can still work from home ect… and I should apply for a credit card with Credit or and beat the bank at his own game. After I do that we can take it to the next step depending on how much I qualify then they will tell what they can offer me on how much I make out my pick. I still don’t get how that would benefit me??? I decline my credit card and I didn’t get charge and now I am getting a new CC.
Thank you for all you do!
-Jennifer L
It wouldn’t. They were just trying to get you to qualify so that they could get more money from you.
I am young and gullible.. simply put. So have you heard anything about Profit Masters Academy?
Yes, I have a warning about it here:
In reference to Her-Schel above, I am OLD but gullible! ALL I want is a simple, easy-to-negotiate and honest way to make a little bit of money while I’m home recuperating from surgery. This would not SEEM to be too much to ask. Thank you Paul. Your record of helping others speaks for itself. Can YOU help me find what I’m looking for, or at least a LIST of these type opportunities?
I’m not sure if I have exactly what you’re looking for. I do have a list of places that provide
leads for home jobs, freelance, and other type of work you can do from home here:
I would definitely join a couple of the forums on that list. They are free.
Hi Paul did you heard the company call Lots people joined. Thanks Lily
I’ve never heard of it. And the site is in a language I can’t read.
Is work at home EDU legite or a scam.
Thank you for all the great information on this site! I came across an opportunity to be an ebay seller for a company supposedly called JJH Wholesale. I cannot find anything on the internet that proves that this is a legitimate company. It sounds too good to be true to make huge commission (30% plus) just to create ebay listings and sell items. Can you shed some light on this? Have you heard of this company or this kind of opportunity? I found it through Elance, which is recommended on your site. Thanks, Andrew
Can you provide me with more detail? Could you either copy and paste the text of their opportunity here or send it to me via the contact form here:
The first email and attachment say:
Elance Workroom for Job: eBay Sellers Wanted
Karolyn H said:
Hello Andrew,
Thanks for your interest in our selling partnership. I have attached our welcome document for you to look over. It has a brief overview of our company and some job details. Please look over the document and if you are still interested please contact the employee relations manager using one of the methods in the document. She will be able to further look over your proposal.
1 file(s) attached to message
Welcome to JJH Wholesale!
eBay Seller Job Description:
Thanks for considering us as a potential business partner. You have been selected to help us expand our business. JJH Wholesale is a company that has been in business since 2008. We have one goal, getting products to customers at a very low price with the best customer service. The eBay project is founded on the basis of finding the best potential way to sell items on eBay. We have always been a small liquidator selling to small retail chains. We are expanding because we would like to become worldwide! We are in the process of determining where our products are better sold and for how much! You, along with everyone else who takes this partnership will be able to sell items in your own unique way. We will always help with the product pictures and descriptions as well as dealing with customers, and any issues that may come about.
Payment Processor: PayPal
Commissions: 30-40% Depending On Item
Earning Potential Is Completely up to you $0 – $1000 a month
Notice: Because of our international status we cannot give tax information. It is your responsibility to track your earnings and file taxes appropriately in your individual area under self-employment. This position is a contract position and is not available forever therefore we do not recommend being a drop shipper as a full time job!
What We Do:
We sell everything from trinket to big ticket antiques and electronics! We are sure to have something that will fit your selling style and allow you to expand not only our business but your income!
Employee Relations,
Karolyn Holman
Primary Contact Methods:
Email: [email protected]
Skype: JJH-Wholesale
The next email thanks me for my interest in the job and includes this attachment:
eBay Dropshipper Agreement
Subject: Letter of Agreement
Section Title Description
1. Seller Andrew Chance
2. Dropshipper JJH Wholesale
3. Payment Method PayPal Only
4. Seller’s Commission 30%-45%
5. PayPal and eBay Fees The Dropshipper is responsible for all
6. Frequency of funds Funds are transferred after each sale to
7. Item Listing, Description, Images, etc. The Dropshipper is responsible for:
8. Shipping Details 1. Shipping is free to trusted
[email protected]
Karolyn Holman
Employee Relations
Sent as goods or services rendered
Depending on the item profit margin
fees in addition to section 4.
applicable payments manager.
1. The item description and title
2. Desired starting or bin price
3. Commission rate for each
4. Quantity on hand
countries. North America,
South America, Europe, Asia,
and Australia
2. Shipping is free for most
items under 100lbs
3. Variants communicated in
addition to section 7
9. Batches/Sales The seller agrees to sell products at
©2013 JJH Wholesale Confidential
10. The Process 1. The Dropshipper provides a
11. Exit Strategies If for any reasons either party decides
12. Communication The Seller will provide open
13. Mutual Agreement 1. To be honest with one
14. Variation of Agreement This agreement can be changed at
their own rate and not take on too
much work at once as to decrease
customer satisfaction and to keep a fair
selling environment.
list of items ready to sell
2. The Seller picks items that
they want to sell
3. Buyer purchases item.
4. Money is transferred to
appropriate Process Manager
(Section 3,6)
5. Dropshipper sends item and
tracking information within 2
business days.
to end the agreement. Either may do so
if the following is followed:
1. All money paid to the drop
shipper for outstanding items
2. All money paid to Seller if
item ends early or hasn’t sold
3. Dropshipper and Seller will
respect each other’s privacy
4. Either party needs to give 72
hour notice
communication via:
1. Email:
[email protected]
The Dropshipper will provide open
communication via:
1. Email:
[email protected]
2. Skype: JJH-Wholesale
3. Phone: 213-373-5877
2. To respond to any
communication within 24
hours or less
3. To respond in a way that
respects both parties.
anytime to better suit the needs of
either party with both parties consent
E-Signed by Dropshipper Karolyn J. Holman (Employee Relations)
E-Signed by Seller _________________________________
©2013 JJH Wholesale Confidential
Thanks, Andrew
OK. I will look at this tomorrow (9/5/2013) and see what I can find out.
Been sick today. Hopefully tomorrow will feel better and start on this.
Ok, thank you for your help with this. I really think this is a scam because it sounds too good to be true to make that much money creating ebay listings. Also, the person i’m corresponding with uses a gmail address, and she claims that the company does not have an external website. I have not been able to verify if the phone number is legitimate either.
Here is our last correspondence:
Hey Andrew,
Please hop over to our bizapedia page here:
We are registered in the State of California in 2008 and we are an active company headed by Mr. Kim the owner, who’s information is listed there.
We do have a company website but it isn’t able to be accessed externally and is provided to manage and track inventory internally.
Karolyn Holman
Employee Relations (JJH)
On 9/2/2013 6:03 PM, chanceap326 . wrote:
> Karolyn,
> I have searched the internet, but I am unable to find anything about JJH Wholesale. Can you provide proof that this is a real, legitimate business? Maybe a url?
> Thanks,
> Andrew
That website doesn’t provide hardly any information. The company is not listed on the BBB site either.
Thanks again for the help,
Andrew, I’ve been looking at this and so far things aren’t adding up.
Can you tell me how you came across this opportunity in the first place?
Pointing to their listing in Bizopedia is a big red flag to me, because anybody can add a listing to that site. It would make more sense for them to point you to the California Secretary of state. In fact I searched the California Secretary Of State filings for LLC’s and came up with nothing.
I found this opportunity on ELance. I had the same thoughts about them pointing me to bizopedia.
Thank you,
Yeh. I think that and the fact that I can’t find them in the Secretary Of State database of LLCs is enough to say stay away.
Thank you very much Paul. I have received e-mails from all but two of the sites you lited. Can this Meghan, Diane and the others legally make these claims?
No, they can’t.
Thanks for another great post. As a newbie (only been working as a self employed virtual assistant for 4 months) I use your site all the time to keep me away from scams. What really caught my attention here was the questions from Andrew. He noted that the eBay sales position was on Elance. There is a similar position list on Freelancer (more than one different “employer” almost all from India or other medial east countries). What is bad here is that you must bid on the job to be able to post a question to the employer (they never give details in their ads). I have had employers from Freelancer message me to sell their product, gift cards, or other e-products. They wanted me to list these items under my Ebay account and use my PayPal account to collect payments.
Wow. That’s annoying. Thanks for the info. Seems like that site is NOT the place to be.
You might want to read this warning about Freelancer, too.
I just lost $2,750.00 with Anthony Morrison. I was so stupid. I want to kill myself. Any advice in how to get my money back? I talked to a lawyer and he told me that I will spend a lot hiring a lawyer.
I really appreciate any help.
Thank you.
Happy New Year… :)
It’s really tough, because when they get you to sign the contract it’s almost always much different than what the sales person told you. You can file a dispute with your credit card company or bank, but it will take a lot of documentation and perseverance to win. You can use the following page to help you understand how to organize your documentation:
It’s designed for crime reporting, but I’ve seen people use it for purposes such as these and win. Again, it’s really hard to win, because of the contract.
Does this look familiar:
is this real
Today my husband reecevid a similar fake AT&T bill, but it was for a home phone and internet in the amount of $307. The bill really looked like the real bill. What tipped us off that it was fake was the fact that AT&T isn’t our ISP, we don’t use my husband’s work email address for any bills, and our AT&T bill is only $28.
I get E Mails every day and watch these ridiculous get rich auto pilot scams. I work on computers and do research myself, and came across a very useful add-on called WOT Window of Trust. When you do a search everything is marked with a red, yellow or green circle. Just like a stop light. Always go to the green sites as they are the most trusted. Also if you click on a link that is bad it will give you a warning screen and give you the choice to enter or not…. So I clicked on a few E Mail links and bang there it was “this site has a poor reputation” and at the bottom gives you the choice to enter because you trust this site or just do the smart thing and not enter… Hope everyone downloads this and they will see for themselves. Unless you WANT to be scammed or get viruses etc…
Agreed. Web Of Trust is good. It gets much more right than wrong. It’s MUCH more reliable than looking at the BBB ratings which are a joke.
Here’s the Web Of Trust site:
I received a promotional letter from a company called Amc-Usa owned by Bob and Jayne Guzzetti from Roswell , GA. What can you tell me about this company? What type of “businness” is this?
Anthony, is this what you got?
Wanted to know if this company was/is a scam. It is not for my benefit but my daughters boyfriend. Company is Fast DeliveryUS and I believe they are shipping company that hires home clerks to send packages for them. Any help would be appreciated because I can’t find anything positive or negative about them on the web.Thanks again and God bless…………..
What do you know about Secure Click and A to Z or easy or mobile money code
All to be avoided.
Hi, Paul
I’ve been looking for real work from home business and tired of getting scamed can you please help. These are the two companies that scamed me ZnZ and A to Z cash system.
Did you file disputes with your credit card company or bank against those companies?
Very well put together thank you for sharing!
Is this a legitimate home-based business or just another scam?
Do you mean Cindy Carter’s Online Profit Stream course? If so, I’d definitely stay far away from it.
This scam comes again at below link:
Thanks for the update, Tan.
Hi.just want to ask what can you say about this paid survey websites…INBOXDOLLAR and VALUED OPINION…i mean they never ask for your CC just email address and some info like name addressand birthday. Please anything will help thanks :)
The best place to get the scoop on those types of programs is – I’d also recommend you join their free forum.
Thank you so much for all of the informational input on these scam internet artist. I was taken for $1160 in 2008 and since then I’ve never look at any online sites that say free or send in again. To bad that I didn’t know about your site and to bad I didn’t do my homework and research before my financial lost. I am unable to work and I’m looking for serious work from home sites that are legal, legit and wholeheartedly reputable with good strong standards. I can’t really afford a start up fee, so if there are any out there that do not ask for fees then I will be more than happy to be directed toward their sites.. . Thank you so kindly.
I would suggest you use this page:
Wow Paul. Thanks for all the information!!! I almost signed up for this OHJ Academy or something and googled before I put my CC info in. GLAD I DID!! Found your site and have been reading everything over the last hour. I really hate that I have been scammed before (think I would have learned by now) and that I almost got scammed again. At least I was smart enough to research a little. Sucks that honest, hard-working people like myself, trying to make some extra cash, are being taken advantage of on this scale. Sigh. Well, I’ve given enough money to the wiles of scammers. I’m done! I intend to help spread the word! Thanks again!
Thanks, Leslie
You may want to take a look at this page:
A couple sites you could look into are:
is a site that traditionally has had high volumes of work.
You’ll have to go through a series of tests.
I was reading a post about Michelle Taylor work at home program about a mom Melissa Anderson that got laid off and was able to make 8000 a month and spend time with her kids. Is this legit, how much does it cost(something the article does not reveal) and what kind of work is it if it doesn’t involve sales(claims to start making money right away) Thank you
Nope. Not legit. The same link posting nonsense that has been going on for years. You can read about that here:
Hello Paul, I read a testimonial about the Kelly Scott Home Internet Careers and ALMOST purchased it. the cost originally read: $99.00, I skipped the “order now” section and kept reading, then the cost went down to $97.00. It just didn’t feel right so I attempted to leave the site. Upon attempting to leave the site, the cost went down to $77.00 (if I stayed on the site). I need the extra money but do not want to get scammed. Actually after re-reading my comment to you, it’s clear that it’s a scam…..
Glad, you avoided it, Rene.
I would use this page:
Hey Paul,
I still need convincing… I need to work from home!
Have you taken a look at this page and joined some of the free forums listed here:
Hello, I am wondering if you have heard of USA Contact Point. They are a work at home opportunity which pays you 18 cents per minute of talk time. You use Skype and a headset, and take calls from people calling in to cancel their credit monitoring service. USA Contact Point says they work for multiple companies that monitor people’s credit, and they hire people to take the calls from people that want to cancel their credit monitoring. You are to use rebuttals that are on your screen (after logging in to USA’s site), and try to let them know the benefits of the membership. You can offer the client 3 different lower cost levels of service, in order to entice them to keep their service active. You are ranked on your ability to convince people to stay, and this determines how many calls per hour you get.
USA Contact Point has you go through a brief training course on your computer, then you fill out a W-9 form with your social security number, and your bank account number, so they can pay you for your work. You are only paid for actual talk time, not time sitting in front of your computer waiting on a call.
Is this a legit way to make extra money, or is this a scam to get people’s personal information so they can rob you blind?
Looks like there is already good information about this over at WAHM (with mixed reviews about it). You might want to start at this page:
Then go back and read from the beginning of the discussion here:
Dear Paul,
this page has been very helpful to me, I was sorely tempted to try one of those “work from home sites” where they have all those testimonials from supposed people saying how they are making hundreds per day or thousands per week. I almost signed up last year but couldn’t afford to lose any money if it was a scam. when it popped up again today I decided to check for scam complaints and your site was the first I clicked on. I read this entire page and learned excactly what I needed to know to avoid being taken advantage of. I am glad I came to this site and was able to gain the info I needed.
thank you,
Thanks, Patrisha.
Within 10 minutes of signing up, I wanted to cancel.
#1 … they NEVER sent me a confirmation email so there was no information as to HOW to cancel. It took quite a bit of searching to find a call center.
#2 … a Start Up Coach? Yeah right … he tried to up sell me and he served no other purpose than that.
#3 … This company has no phone support.
Supposedly they will send me a refund within 10 days. I find that amazing. The money comes out of my bank immediately, but it takes 10 days to send it back.
now how do i know if ur a scam. I’m working with cahuniversity and doing real good so how can u say there a scam. I seen a lot of scam site saying bad stuff about them and its not true there the best top three online business marking so u can stop saying there a scam
I wish your comment was remotely comprehensible so that I could respond to it.
LOL your last comment is hilarious. So, are there ANY real stay at home jobs, out there???
I keep a list of places to look here:
Wow Paul good thing you’re on here explaining to all these people about the website scams. Not tryin to be mean but wow there’s so many dumb people falling for anything that says easy money. No wonder why people even make scams because of all the idiots on this page in general lol. The best part is every scam says the same thing. The world just keeps getting dumber. I like you Paul because you help idiots not be idiots.
I saw the Michelle Robinson Work at Home EDU and I went to look information up and found myself here reading all the incredible information that you have given. Thank you for your time and efforts to help people save money as well as their identity from these sites. I have 2 questions, 1. Have you heard of is it legit? 2. Does all the at home work sites require you to pay something before you get started?
I have heard of Arise and it is legit. However, you might want to read ALL of the following first:
Note: The following is a long list of virtual call center work, most of which that don’t require the kind of fees
that Arise does:
You’ll see a section towards the bottom of the page that says “Previous” and “Next” with
numbers in between. If you click on each of those numbers, you will see more virtual call center
companies that hire.
You can also take a look at my list here:
I just went thru what I”ve read on your blog…I NEED a JOB, just can’t believe Michelle R.,Amy P.,Kelly S.,,Melissa A. can think to do people that are trying to make/at least scrape some cash up legally…
Try the free resources on this page:
So Paul, are there any legit work at home jobs using the internet? I just need to make some extra money part time?
Paige, if you are looking for traditional part-time work from home, I would suggest using the resources on this page:
I can’t believe I wasted my time reading this article
Where is the proof that these things are scams? All you said is what to avoid- but why?
That’s what red flags are. They are indicators of potential scams. The more indicators, the more likely you’re looking at a scam. Red flags are based on patterns, so your comment about “proof” doesn’t make any sense. Of course, when it comes to red flags that have to do with using fake names, or brandjacking logos, I doubt anyone of reasonable intelligence would question those as a red flags.
Here’s my guess – and I’m right about this MOST of the time when it comes to people who come and post something like you just did. You’re either the creator of a product that has many of these red flags, you’re an affiliate for a product that has many of these red flags, or you work for a coaching company that is the backend for lead generation products that have these red flags.
Of course, the fact that you didn’t use a real name, makes your intentions here extremely questionable as well.
Apologies if your name really is Djdjdj.
Paul, this response of yours cracked me up XD
Thank you ever so much for the very valuable information!! *bow*~
Thanks, Maomee.
Hello Paul,
Thank-You for all of your help! I have read all the wonderful help you have provided here. My question is while I was researching an article online on “Forbes” Under “Would You Join A Multi-Level Marketing Company For Retirement Income?” at the very bottom of this article are some links One says “Best MLM Companies” , you click on this link and you are taken to another site and number 1) “Top 3” Work at Home Jobs. …As I figured by instinct these were to good to be true….I was curious anyway…so I clicked on the links to review. Sure enough the signs you mentioned above were clear and were scams. I was find of surprised to see the sites they were promoting to help others…were false. I always thought Forbes was a more reputable information magazine/site.
Thank-You for your help and time!
God Bless!!
Thanks, I’m working on a post to explain how the Forbes site is being manipulated by scammers to mislead people.
Hello Paul,
I would like to read the article when you are done.
Can you send it to my email??
Will do.
Good site mate, made my mind up about an “advancing income” add that just didn’t seem to add up. As for red flags, the biggest red flag for me is when those types of sites have a notice claiming the offer expires at the end of the day I’m looking at it.
Anyway mate glad I found your advice here.
Thanks Vince. Agree about the “expires tonight” gimmick being a huge red flag.
Hi Paul, Thanks for your information. As I am not based in America, I came across on the internet and was linked to Please kindly help in verifying if this is a legit or scam? Thanks:)
Interesting. I would avoid – here’s why: is hosted on the nameservers & If there were hundreds or thousands of sites using those same nameservers, then it might not matter. But if you check this link you’ll see that only 8 domains are hosted on those nameservers.
One of the domains is I wrote this warning about a large list of domains that were definitely related to on March 2, 2012 here. I checked what the website looked like around the time of that 2012 review and it doesn’t seem to have changed much, if at all. You can see what the site looked like here.
Oh wow, ok thanks for your reply:)
I wanted to give y’all a heads up on the Amanda Jones “Online Cash” program. I signed up with them before I really looked into making money online. Well they took my money alright and then I was kicked off the website and had a heck of a time trying to find them until 2 weeks later when a “start-up” specialist contacted me I finally got the CS # 855-727-4231. I contacted them and had no problem getting them to refund my account. Well just today I seen another transaction come through my account from them for $97, I contacted them and the CS Rep told me he didn’t care that I needed to try the program for 30 days before I could get my money back. He was not understanding that I didn’t purchase this! I asked to speak to a manager and one was put on the phone only to tell me how rudely I spoke to his rep and if I continued to do so he would end the conversation. I tried to tell him what happened but he would not listen, I asked him questions on who I could speak to then and he informed me I was out of line and had no right to ask him for a corp # or address and hung up on me. I called back and the “manager” “Matt” said hello Tammy if you contact us again I am going to call the cops and state that you are harassing us and hung up on me!, all without me even saying one word!!! I did contact my bank and the credit is already in my account but just wanted to give a shout out of BEWARE OF CASH ONLINE
Wow. Thanks for that information!
Wow! wow! wow!….Thanks Paul for this insightful Article. i am amazed at how you take your time to respond to people’s comment. there are very few people that still have the interest of the public at heart even with the evil scam in this deceitful and evil society. God bless you.
Now i am so wowed because as I type this comment, i was at the verge of signing up for an internet scam but i believe God just ministered to me to Google what people have said about the site i am about to pay $97 for.
Stumbling upon your site is a miracle because out of all the scam-warning site that showed up, i randomly decided to read yours. i have been enlightened and the tip of the iceberg is that i decided to take the pain to read all the comments and response since 2013 up to date and only to get to the final comment i saw Tammy’s comment about the very exact site i was about to sign up up for i.e the Amanda Jone’s Online cash – “”. Thanks a lot Tammy.
Ironically, when i started reading your article on the redflags about scams i could identitfy that with this Amanda Jones but there was a part of me that still wanted you say something to make Amanda’s site legit. But am confident it is a scam
Now my main question is I am a graduate law student in a university in Chicago. I am so good with the internet and computer and can easily learn more harder things I desperately need a full-time or part time online job that will pay me financially for at least keep ups and rents. i am not looking to being a millionaire from internet jobs for now. just something to help me financially while doing what i love.
i know you have sent people to your site “/work-at-home-jobs/” and i am going to continue reading that page after posting my comment but i need your advise on certain jobs i might find useful and helpful out of all listed and more. you can send me an email on that, i will like to keep in touch with you on my internet online activities. I don’t know if it is save to publish my email with my comment to avoid scammers sending me mails in your name. However if it is safe, let me know via your reply and i will post it immediately. or else, i have filled my email under the Reply requirements and i think you can see that.
Thanks a great deal. God bless
I wouldn’t post your email here. Instead contact me via this contact form
Thanks. I have sent you a message via the contact form. Hope to hear from you soon.
my name is nya is there a 800 number to get me started
Can you clarify? What are you trying to get started with?
Hi Paul,
Thanks for all the great information. I’ve bookmarked your page. You’re awesome! You’ve done people a great service. I distrust most any money making offer I get, especially in my inbox. I do my due diligence if I really think I might be interested. More often than not my suspicions are spot on.
Keep up the great work,
Desiree Addams
Thanks Desiree.
I got caught up in a scam in 2002
I couldn’t believe how stupid I was, I actually sent almost one thousand dollars wired to some remote place in order to have access to an online store business. The business was called AGM international it seems that has completely vanished from the cyber world. It was very difficult back in August of 2002 to find information on this company and whether or not it was a scam. I have over the years searched and searched for a real online business, I check as many “is this a scam site” before getting scammed ever again. There really appears to be nothing real out there. I was recently let go from my job, as my company declared bankruptcy so i have been looking for the past couple of months it is an extremely frustrating process. I’m older and finding a replacement position outside the home impossible. Any legitimate business online suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to read through some of the articles at this site:
I do recommend Michael Brown’s affiliate marketing training program. You can
get some free information about it here before deciding whether or not you want
to purchase the course.
I have been jobless for 9 months,after reading melisa story on Advancing income ,I fill the form under check avialability,the 2 or 3 sgin on ur page did not show, I was taken to congratulation in red ink,I was ask$2 activation fee@$29.95bill for maintiance of my own web monthly. I was also told that the next cheque go out on November 1@Dec 1 respectively by one jennifer who mail me. Am yet to pay this money because am a bit sceptical of scam. Pls how geneue is this Advancing income form ,help back home times ar hard in Africa, I hope is geneue ,and if is not what other online trade is genue. Thanks for saving peple from scam. Pls reply.
You need to stay away from that program.
So, in your opinion, are there actually any legitimate work from home opportunities? If so, is there list of legit jobs somewhere? Thank you for your red flag warnings…they saved me a lot time and money probably.
Use this page:
I’m have registered with WAHM and still haven’t received my link through my email. How long does this take? I am anxious to get started.
It shouldn’t have taken very long. Did you ever get he confirmation?
I wish I had found your site two years ago. Where do you stand on the following companies/programs: Wealth Master International, Millionaire Operating System, MOBE, Devon Brown, Ewen Chia, Anik Singal.
Thanks for your input.
Hi, Paul
Last week i put my debit card no into this website
i was really worried it was a scam but i still took the risk because i really in need of money. after read this page i was pretty sure it was a was a stupid mistake. it says i will charged $29.95 per month for hosting and maintenance but my balance account was less than that. so would i still be charged that amount this month? because i’m using my debit card not credit card. what should i do? Thanks, Jannah
Jannah, it depends on how you have it set up with your bank. I suggest you talk to your bank immediately. Because if they do charge it, the bank may hit you with overdraft charges which can really add up. Probably the safest thing to do is to get that debit card canceled so that you can be sure you won’t be charged at all. In any event I would suggest you talk to your bank immediately.
Thank you! I deal with chronic illness so am always on the lookout for ways I can earn money from home. Stopped looking for ages though because everything I came across just didn’t sit right with me. After coming across advancing income I thought I’d google it before signing up. Thank goodness I found your site. You are a truly good person and many people should be thankful for you. That’s all I wanted to say really. A great big thank you! I don’t consider myself and idiot.. more like ever hopeful. Lol. Anyway, I can’t thank you enough. Cheers.
You may want to take a look at this page:
Thanks. If you are looking for traditional work, you may want to take a look at this page:
Wow! And just after I posted that, some lady from New Mexico called me and said “hi I notice you got halfway through filling out our form and I just wanted to explain what we do.” She then proceeded to use statistics from wikipedia about how much amazon makes. Eventually I had to make ot very clear she would NOT be getting any money out of me and have a nice day. Thank you for helping me be informed!
Do you remember the name of the program for which you were filling out the form?
Paul Just a very big THANK YOU..
Thanks, Leslie.
This is simply awesome as i just starting my online business after quit job, when come across to those type of scam website, luckily not fell for it. Thanks for the advise. Cheers!!
You’re welcome.
Do you have any recommended schools or jobs that aren’t scams its hard to find a legit work from home site
I would use this page:
Do you know anything about Wealthy Affiliates, or Wealth Affiliates? Everything I hear and read about them sounds good and it’s free to sign up. You can pay more, I think it’s $47. a month , any time you want to get more of the services they provide. But all the reviews about them are ravingly good. However I can’t figure out what it is they actually do or how you make money.
Is anyone familiar with them or know how you make money through them? I’d love to know what they actually do.
I was a member at Wealthy Affiliate years ago. I thought the layout was confusing back then, but I think they’ve fixed that. They teach affiliate marketing.
Can you give me some information on WAH EDU? Is this the same as WAH University? I am hearing conflicting reports and I am very confused. I joined WAH EDU and AFTER I did further research about this being a scam, I asked for a refund. After I threatened to report them to the District Attorney, they promptly refunded my $97,
WAH Edu is the same set up as Work At Home University – both are link-posting scams, although I don’t think they are directly connected.
The fake name Michelle Robinson has been used to promote several of these link-posting scams, including:
WAH Rev – a.k.a. Work At Home Revenue
Home Profit Access
Online Cash Institute
And several others.
I have a warning about Work At Home University here:
Are there any genuine work at home sites????
Paul ,
Like Alecia asked are there any legitimate work at home sites?
Lorie, if you’re looking for traditional work from home, I have a section here:
I also have a place I send people who would like to learn how to make money through promoting other peoples’ products (affiliate marketing). That’s here:
You can also join the Unleashing Your Success Community here:
That’s where I hang out.
I had 4 strokes, a blood clot on each lung, 6 life threatening strikes. Made it through. Learned to walk again. Today: you would never know! But I really want to work from home !! I would like to make at least $2000 per month but with unlimited potential.S THERE ANYTHING LEGITIMATE YOU MIGHT DIRECT ME TOWARDS ?! Thank you sincerely !!! Ron Jarecke ,Lincoln, NE.
If you are looking for traditional work, use this page:
I you want to learn how to make money with a website, use this:
I joined Vibrant Web Money System 1/20/2015 and I have not seen a penny of income yet. I called customer service and I get a recording. Once they have me they keep taking money out of my account but I have not seen a penny more or less $300 to $500./week. I told them I needed to earn $500.+/day to reach my goals and they said they would help. The guy that signed me up is no longer there and the new guy was a real asshole to me. They are taking $50.00/month out of my account. I really need to make money as I am a senior 71 and this is elder abuse if they do not help me reach at least $1000./week income by posting on facebook, twitter, and other social media plus they provide a banner that I have not seen yet. It takes them forever to get back to me. I want to speak to John Sellers but I need a corporate number for them???? My experience has not been very positive yet. I hope it improves. Lou
I too am working with Vibrant Web, with not much success. I have a lady call me and tells me things to do but I have not received any money as yet. Now she tells me things to do. called several times, but I have not seen any funds.
Brutal truth exposed! great post here.
I am personally making money online and I am doing very good, but it toke time, a lot of falls, trial and error, but once I figured how it actually works I slappet myself in the face on how easy it actually is.
I am in affiliate marketing and yeah I see a lot of ppl making claims is nothing but fire, because if there we really making such huge amounts they wouldnt bothering on promoting….
By the end of the day, you cannot be spamming facebook recruiting someone and tell them is about a program that doesnt need traffic nor recruit, when they are doing it themselves ;) (this is a good flag) or just ignorance
I’m interested in home based jobs. Please submit some information
I am so glad I found your site. I was really close to signing up with Michelle Robinson’s WAHEDU this evening. I work as a Sr. caregiver and my main bill paying client recently died. I would love to be able to find some work from home that I could do to supplement my income, as the 3 clients I have now don’t give me enough hours to cover the bills. The last thing I need right now would be to flush any money, even $97.00, down the WAHEDU toilet. Thanks so much! I will check some of the links you’ve provided. Several years ago I started doing some of the online surveys like Inbox, etc., and made a little money, but you really have to put in a lot of time with them and my inbox was overwhelmed with emails, so I quit. I’m doing a few right now, including going back to Inbox. I’m close to hitting the $30.00 I need to get paid after working at it a couple of weeks, but $20 of that came from signing up for a Discover card. If not for that, I would have a long ways to go before being able to collect any money. The survey sites make me crazy because you have to take a survey to see if you even qualify to take their survey.
Constance, you might want to take a look at these pages:
pls which of the two is a scam? my top tier business and vibrant money system technology. and do you have any work at home that you can refer me to partake.
My Top Tier Business can get ridiculously expenses.
Vibrant Money System is a scam.
I would try the free training I discuss here first:
I filled in a form from somewhere about 2 weeks ago, and now have people calling from (Dynamic 7) asking me to purchase packages, \for them to help me build an affiliation programme with Amazon.. is this a scam ? or legit? Your info is very much appreciated. Thanks!!
I believe that’s Dynamix7. I have them on this list of sites/companies to avoid:
Have you heard of the Emma Stewart or Kelly scott link posting sites? i know they are a scam.. i almost fell for it until i found your site, thank you so much… i called the number for the “business” that was offering me a job and the guy on the other end of the phone (sounded like he was 17) he sounded very nervous and confused when i was questioning him about whether it was a legit company.. he said “of course it is” RED FLAG
Yes, Rechele. Emma Stewart and Kelly Scott are commonly used fake names to promote link-posting scams. You can
see more fake names here:
I unfortunately ordered the “Home Income Gateway” system for $97.00. After ordering it I immediately had regrets. I sent them an email wishing to cancel and get a refund. They sent me back an email stating that I could not cancel until I followed the necessary steps I’ve the next 30 days. Among them was a call I would be receiving by a coach. I didn’t take these calls and was just prepared to eat the $97.00 fee. Now however about 3 weeks later I see a pending charge by this company for $9.95 for “web coaching.”
How do I get out of this mess so as I can cancel and not continue to be charged anymore on my credit card? Please help me with any advise!?!?!
You’ll need to file a dispute with your credit card company and also probably have a new one issued.
Thank you for responding and giving me some input. I haven’t done the necessary steps that they say are required before a refund could be considered. I’ll be willing t eat the $97.00 and Web coaching fee of the $9.95 I mentioned. Can I still urge them to cancel my account after the 30 days (not requesting a refund for the fees charged already) and get out of this without incurring more charges? I just want to chalk this up to not doing due diligence before signing up for this and move on! Will they allow me to cancel ?
File it as a fraud dispute. Home Income Gateway is using fake testimonials found on an old FTC complaint.
Those “necessary steps” are b.s.
Who do I file a fraud dispute with, my credit card company and/or Home Income Gateway?? Or with some government body?
With your credit card company.
Thank you Paul very very much!