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Uncovering The Truth About Extra Income Ideas
My research has been used as a resource by ABC’s 20/20, National Public Radio’s Marketplace, the New York Post, and Federal Law Enforcement. I also wrote the chapter about work at home scams for the book “Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun”, written by Lynn Edgington who works with an Assigned Federal Agent from the Secret Service as well 3 U.S. Postal Inspectors and has helped to take down a large number of very big financial scams including ASD Cash Generator, Pedro Dispenza/Peter Roor & Heleen Potman Poor (responsible for Oxford Club and many other scams estimated to be potentially near the billion dollar mark), InetGlobal/Adpacks (Steve Renner), Regenisis2x2, and too many others for me to list here.
When I started this site about telecommuting, extra income ideas, and potential work at home business ideas I had no idea how many home business and home job scams were popping up every day. Eventually I realized that in order to get a good “read” on the people selling home business opportunities I needed to meet them in person. I sat face to face with many of these people selling moneymaking opportunities online. I called people on the phone. And I asked them hard questions.
In other words, between me and the people I know we can save you countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears. And I guarantee that if you are looking for ways to make extra income from home, I can help you avoid wasting your money on outright scams.
Real Home Business Ideas for Extra Income
Fortunately, there are also realistic home business, home job, and freelance possibilities and WorkAtHomeTruth provides information about those as well. Finding legitimate work at home businesses probably isn’t nearly as hard as finding legitimate work at home jobs. But finding the right work at home business for your personality and risk-tolerance can prove to be equally challenging.
I try to get as much good information to you as I possibly can through the free newsletter, including low-cost part-time home business ideas, reputable companies with home jobs, reputable websites that list companies that accept telecommuters (most are free, a few are low-cost), and explanations of how various scams work. Many people have found the free newsletter a welcome relief from overhyped and questionable “make money fast” home business products and have learned how to start low-risk, low-cost home businesses they can be proud to run and avoid the wrong online income solution or so-called home income cash machine their situation. Others have learned the truth about finding home jobs and learned how to avoid the home job scams currently flooding the internet.
Finding Work At Home Jobs
Work at home jobs are hard to find…especially if you’ve never tried to find them before. If you think there’s some magical entrance-way to immediately landing a work at home job, I can almost guarantee that you will lose money to many of the following scams…
Advance fee fraud, cashier’s check scams, data entry from home scams, demand draft fraud, email processor scams, envelope stuffing work from home scams, fake consumer advocate scams, fake logos pirated from real consumer advocate agencies, fraud recovery scams, home mailing scams, identity theft, medical billing scams, rebate processor job scams, wire transfer scams, work from home assembly scams, work at home typing scams – just to name a few.
And in the recent years, home business scams and home job scams have skyrocketed, which is why WorkAtHomeTruth provides continuous updates of the new types of scams to look out for along with practical advice on how to avoid most of them – in addition to helping you understand how to find the legitimate work at home businesses and jobs.
Yes, There ARE Legitimate Home Business Systems
In fact, there are some very legitimate ways you can make money from home. And I have found a few good eggs who lay out in a step-by-step fashion exactly how to make these moneymaking systems work…
You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars buying every hotly recommended money making program or piece of software people are pushing at you every day. The truth is that starting a part-time home business can be challenging – but it does NOT need to be expensive.